There are different questions to ask people. The questions you ask are an essential part of getting to know a person. When you’re first meeting someone, you want to find out as much as you can about them — but without making it seem like an interview. Think of things that have come up in conversation and use those as your jumping-off point. If your conversation partner is a sports fan, you might ask what their favorite team is or if they play any sports themselves. If they mentioned they had just been on vacation, ask where they went and what kind of things they did there. If the subject matter is more serious, avoid asking questions that could be answered with “yes” or “no.”  For example, instead of asking someone if they ever feel sad, ask how often they feel sad and how long those feelings usually last. You want to get a sense of what makes a person tick and explore their thought process. They may also be used to develop an understanding of people you have just met. It’s always pleasant to give your attention to the person whom you are talking to. It will help you understand what the parties are thinking and their opinion of the world around them. As a result, the person asking. Also read: 250 Questions to ask on different topics But how do you find out whether or not someone knows you? It’s not always easy to tell. So I thought I would write a list of questions to ask people to see if they really know you. This way, you can use this list on friends, family members, work colleagues, romantic partners or acquaintances. Questions come across as a genuinely nice person with a positive approach towards others. Below is a list of 900+ questions to ask people that could help create connections and build respect during conversations.

Questions to ask people

Here is a huge list of questions to ask people:

  1. Why are kids so innocent?
  2. Why does everyone feel like they need to be perfect all of the time when nobody else expects perfection from them anyway?
  3. What would life be like if we were able to slow down time, stop it entirely, or speed it up beyond our control?
  4. Why do some people feel like they’re not good enough unless they’re with someone else, but others feel complete with themselves regardless of their romantic partner status?
  5. How often do people ask themselves these types of questions, and how many of them are even trying to come up with any answers at all?
  6. What does it all mean anyway?
  7. Do people always have answers to things or do some people just not have any answers at all?
  8. Is there a life after death or is death really just a part of our destiny as humans on earth and nothing more than that?
  9. Why are some people born with all of their life figured out before they even make it out into society for themselves, while others are still stumbling through their childhood and adolescence trying to figure things out along the way?
  10. Who was here first: man or woman?
  11. Can we really change anything in our lives or is fate truly destined to be set in stone no matter what we do or how hard we try to change things around for ourselves?
  12. What if it turns out that there’s no life after death?
  13. How come some people just seem to have bad things happen to them over and over again, while others never seem to face any of those same challenges at all?
  14. What makes some people so happy with their lives while others are miserable on a daily basis?
  15. How can so many people say one thing and then turn around and do another, and keep doing it over and over again no matter how many times they’ve been proven wrong in their own lives?
  16. Why does it seem like some people just aren’t good at anything no matter how hard they try, while others seem to excel at everything that they touch or put their mind to?
  17. Do people ever truly change, or do they just continue to go through their lives day after day saying one thing but doing another all along as well?
  18. If we can’t trust other people, who can we really trust at all?
  19. Does it matter if someone has more than enough money if they don’t treat others with respect and dignity?
  20. Should a person live their life trying to please others, or live their life trying to please themselves no matter what others might say about it?

Questions to ask people to get to know them

Here is a great list of questions to ask people to get to know them:

  1. If you knew nobody would judge you, what would you do right now?
  2. Would you still care? or Would you question your own existence?
  3. If money doesn’t make us happy, then why do we keep working for it?
  4. Have you ever wanted something so bad, you ended up getting it only to realize that it wasn’t what you wanted after all?
  5. Why do we always seem more interested in things we know nothing about?
  6. Why is it easy to remember something when you didn’t like it rather than when you did like it?
  7. How does a blind person know when he/she is done wiping after using the bathroom?
  8. Who was your childhood hero before they did something bad or had a scandal? Why did that change for you (if it did)?
  9. What do you like most and least about your job?
  10. What would you tell an -year-old version of yourself?
  11. If you could learn one new thing over night, what would it be?
  12. What is your wildest dream?
  13. Do you consider yourself a morning person or a night owl?
  14. How much time do you spend procrastinating each day?
  15. If a genie told you that he would grant three wishes, but that he would then kill yourself one month later, what would your three wishes be?
  16. Is death a bad thing? Can it be a good thing? Why or why not?
  17. Do odd numbers exist on purpose or by chance?
  18. If you could be a time traveler and go back to any moment in history, what would it be? What would you change and why?
  19. Would you rather be able to see one day into your future or one day into your past? Why?
  20. If time travel was possible, where would you go in order to make sure that whatever event in history occurs is the way it should happen?
  21. Why is it important for whatever event happens in history, happens how it should occur in history?
  22. Do you believe that free will exists or are our lives predetermined events that are already happening before we even come into existence with no choices involved by ourselves whatsoever ?
  23. Do you believe there are multiple universes out there besides our own ?
  24. What are you doing right now? Are you doing anything right now?
  25. If you knew that today is your last day on earth, what would you do in next hours?
  26. How do you know if something is real?
  27. If we created a perfect world, would that world be boring because there is nothing to change it/improve it/develop it further?
  28. Is morality universal or relative to each individual or culture? Why?
  29. What makes you happy and how do you know its happiness and not just momentary euphoria?
  30. What are your values and how did they come about?
  31. If someone is in a coma, are they still a person?
  32. Do you believe in the after life? Why or why not?
  33. Do you think that when we die we go to heaven or hell? Why?
  34. Do you think that the government should censor pornography and hate speech? Why or why not?
  35. Should the government censor hate speech? Also read: 100+ Questions to ask people to get to know them better (good, funny, interesting)

Random questions to ask people

  1. Why does it seem like certain people never have a bad day or any negative experiences in their lives, while others seem to struggle with everything from getting out of bed in the morning to paying for groceries at the grocery store to doing anything else they have to accomplish throughout their days?
  2. Why does it seem like some people’s lives go from one extreme to another or from bad to worse without stopping along the way, while others’ lives seem to be filled with nothing but pure goodness and light?
  3. How can so many people just put their heads down at work every day and keep going through their lives never being truly happy with who they are or where they’re going in life?
  4. If we can’t trust other people, who can we truly trust in our world today and why is it so hard to find good friends out there in this crazy world?
  5. How do people just allow themselves to be treated so badly by other people out there in our world today and why don’t more people stand up for what’s right and fight back against those who have hurt them?
  6. How come all of us are out here searching for something in our lives that makes us truly happy, yet so many people never find it along their way?
  7. Why is it so easy for some people to hurt other people without feeling any remorse or guilt at all, while it seems like most other people would feel horrible if they were ever mean to someone else and made them cry?
  8. How come some people out there in our world today just don’t seem to know how to say I’m sorry for anything that they’ve ever done wrong in their lives?
  9. How come it’s easier for most people to talk bad about others behind their backs than it is for them to actually say something to someone else’s face when they feel like something is wrong with them?
  10. Why is it so hard for people to just tell others how they feel and what they’re thinking without being scared that their feelings will be rejected by those around them, yet it’s so easy for them to just talk about other people behind their backs or spread gossip behind someone else’s back instead? Also read: 100 Random questions to ask people (funny, good, weird, dumb, deep to random people)

Good questions to ask people

  1. How come some people feel like they’re never good enough for anyone else out there in our world today and why do they let other people bring them down to their level instead of standing up for themselves?
  2. How come so many people out there seem to take advantage of others when it comes to getting what they want, yet never seem willing to give back anything in return?
  3. Why is it so easy for people to walk away from their problems instead of standing up and fighting back against them like most people seem to do today?
  4. Why is it so easy for some people to just go along with what everyone else wants them to do in their lives without ever thinking for themselves, yet it’s so hard for others to stand up and try something new even if they know deep down inside they really want to give it a shot?
  5. Why is it so easy for people to talk bad about others behind their backs instead of just telling them what they’re thinking and how they feel, yet it’s so hard for most people to say something directly to someone else’s face when they feel like something is wrong with them?
  6. Why is it so easy for people to jump to conclusions when they don’t have all of the facts, yet so hard for others to get their facts straight before jumping into something without thinking first?
  7. Why is it so easy for people to believe everything they hear, yet so hard for others to trust anything at all anymore even if it comes from someone they know well and love dearly?
  8. Why can some people not see what’s right in front of them while others are able to figure out simple things without difficulty?
  9. Why do bad things happen to good people more often than vice versa?
  10. Why are some people always happy while others seem unable to feel joy no matter what happens around them?

Weird questions to ask people

Here is a list of weird questions to ask people:

  1. Who invented Kissing? 
  2. Which married people are more likely to cheat, men or women?
  3. What happens when you die in your dream?
  4. Can you really marry yourself if there’s no one else around but you in a forest at night?
  5. What if there is no one you are waiting for?
  6. What if money is not everything?
  7. What if you have more power than you know?
  8. What if we see ourselves in future while doing something we didn’t do yet in present? And why we cannot change it and can only watch and take action or not?
  9. If all your friends dropped dead, would you stop talking?
  10. Do one-tenth of people on earth ever speak or understand each other? Could that be possible?
  11. Is there anything strange about your dreams you’ve noticed or experienced? What do you think it means?
  12. Are there little people living inside our stomachs and using us as a shelter?

Funny questions to ask people

The following are the best list of funny questions to ask people:

  1. Is a sneeze faster than your eyes can see?
  2. Why do they call it the Department of Interior when they are in charge of everything outdoors?
  3. How many people have been killed by vending machines?
  4. Why do we park on driveways and drive on parkways?
  5. If you have an open bottle of alcohol in front of you, how much do you have to drink before you can’t drive any more?
  6. If I told you I was thinking of something orange, what would be your first guess?
  7. Why is the letter W, in English, called double U ? Shouldn’t it be called double V ?
  8. How many roads must a man walk down before you can call him a man?
  9. How does one behead a chicken?
  10. How many kids can you fit in a car?
  11. Why is there no ham in hamburgers or pork in pork chops?
  12. If twins are identical, then why do they have different fingerprints and different personalities? 13.  How do you get a nun pregnant?
  13. Why is an eleven-sided shape called a dodecagon?
  14. Why don’t sheep shrink when it rains? 16.  If you had x-ray vision, and you could see through anything, what color underwear would dinosaurs be wearing?

Dumb questions to ask people

Here is a list of dumb questions to ask people:

  1. Why do I need a password to get into my phone, but not my house?
  2. Who is the person that invented the term “North”?
  3. If we are all unique, why do we look so much alike?
  4. Why don’t we call them “un-dents” instead of “dents”?
  5. If you’re running in a race and you trip and fall down, do you lose or gain time?
  6. Why is “abbreviation” such a long word?
  7. How do you know when it’s time to tune your bagpipes?
  8. Why does quicksand work slowly?
  9. Do ghosts take showers?
  10. What would happen if you got scared half to death twice?

Deep questions to ask people

Here is a list of deep questions to ask people:

  1. Why are some people naturally good at math while others struggle with it?
  2. Who decides whether you go to heaven or hell when you die?
  3. Why is everything alive afraid of us humans, including animals and insects?
  4. What if our soul has been dead and living in virtual reality?
  5. What if we are all living on a giant chess board like in Game of Thrones?
  6. What if we were born with a soul purpose? And when we find it, it kills us?
  7. What if aliens have built simulation worlds for experiment purposes using our consciousness?
  8. Can we travel in time?
  9. Do we die when we dream?
  10. How do we breathe in sleep?
  11. What happens if you keep repeating a lie many times? Will it become truth? ?
  12. What if all human beings are controlled by someone’s mind? And what if someday they lose control over us?
  13. What if our thoughts are not ours? What if someone put them in our minds?
  14. What if our memories are manipulated by higher power?
  15. What if time travel is possible?
  16. What if aliens are monitoring earth from hidden places?
  17. What is inside of a black hole?
  18. If time travel was possible, what will you do in past or future?
  19. Can human being live without oxygen for minutes, an hour or longer than that ?
  20. Why do couples stay together even when they don’t like each other? Recommended reading: 100 Deep questions to ask people

Interesting questions to ask people

Here is a list of interesting questions to ask people:

  1. Do I understand other people’s perspectives?
  2. Are other people comfortable with me as a leader?
  3. Does everyone have a purpose in life, or are some people just here by chance?
  4. Why are some things okay with some people, but not okay with others?
  5. Why are some people so obsessed with gossiping about others?
  6. How can someone be outgoing one day and incredibly shy another day without feeling like two totally different people?
  7. Why are some people happier than others?
  8. Why can’t more good things happen for good people who do good things all their lives while bad things continue happening to bad people who are bad throughout their entire lives?
  9. Why do some people act like they are better than others?
  10. Are we all fundamentally equal—regardless of race, gender, age, education level, socioeconomic status—or are some people simply better than others?
  11. Why does money make people behave like such jerks sometimes? Also read: 100 Interesting questions to ask people

Questions to ask people on tinder

  1. What are some things you would be willing to do but no one in your circle of friends or family would be willing to do with you?
  2. What is your happiest memory from childhood?
  3. How many languages can you read, write and speak fluently?
  4. What is one question that everyone should have answered at some point in their lives?
  5. If given an opportunity, what would you change about yourself if anything at all?
  6. What physical feature of yourself most distinguishes you from others in your family/friends/co-workers?
  7. Have there been times when it felt like time slowed down for you or sped up, when there was more or less than hours in a day, respectively?
  8. What is your most dominant personality trait?
  9. What is your deepest, darkest secret that you would only reveal to someone if you were falling off a building and there was no one around?
  10. What do you think it means to be alive?
  11. When did you realize there was more to life than what you saw with your eyes every day?
  12. Are there any lessons that are worth more than any other knowledge you can acquire?
  13. Is it selfish to love yourself before loving others/others before loving yourself?
  14. Would you rather always finish second but feel happy about it, or first but feel miserable?
  15. Would you sacrifice yourself for others?
  16. Would you take a bullet for someone else?
  17. Does being rich fulfill your dreams or destroy them?
  18. Who will you turn out to be as a person based on who you meet, who you talk to, what you see, and even where you live as an adult—and how can those things not determine who (and what) you become as a person as an adult some day?
  19. Do you worry too much about what other people think about you?
  20. Where are you now?
  21. Where were you five years ago?
  22. Where will you be five years from now?

Questions to ask people on Instagram

  1. Do you think animals can be evil, or are they just neutral creatures driven by instinct who may act aggressively when threatened/defending territory?
  2. Do you ever get offended when people tell bad jokes about minority groups (women, African-Americans, Asian-Americans, Latinos/Hispanics)?
  3. What fictional characters have inspired your life most and why?
  4. When was a time that no matter how hard you tried something just didn’t work out for you?
  5. What is your most prized possession?
  6. What do you think of capital punishment?
  7. What has been your biggest failure and what did you learn from it?
  8. Which human emotion is hardest for you to deal with: anger, sadness, jealousy or joy?
  9. What’s one thing that all people should know but don’t know at all (right now)?
  10. What is a talent that everyone thinks that they have but very few do have?
  11. What is something that you wish more people in your life understood?
  12. What is your biggest pet peeve in people?
  13. If someone offered you $ million to give up all of your possessions, would you do it?
  14. What do you think happens after we die?
  15. When’s a time that everything just seemed to go perfectly for you, without any problems or issues at all?

Hard questions to ask people

  1. How come some people feel like they’re never good enough for anyone else out there in our world today and why do they let other people bring them down to their level instead of standing up for themselves?
  2. How come so many people out there seem to take advantage of others when it comes to getting what they want, yet never seem willing to give back anything in return?
  3. Why is it so easy for people to walk away from their problems instead of standing up and fighting back against them like most people seem to do today?
  4. Why is it so easy for some people to just go along with what everyone else wants them to do in their lives without ever thinking for themselves, yet it’s so hard for others to stand up and try something new even if they know deep down inside they really want to give it a shot?
  5. Why is it so easy for people to talk bad about others behind their backs instead of just telling them what they’re thinking and how they feel, yet it’s so hard for most people to say something directly to someone else’s face when they feel like something is wrong with them?
  6. Why is it so easy for people to jump to conclusions when they don’t have all of the facts, yet so hard for others to get their facts straight before jumping into something without thinking first?
  7. Why is it so easy for people to believe everything they hear, yet so hard for others to trust anything at all anymore even if it comes from someone they know well and love dearly?
  8. Why can some people not see what’s right in front of them while others are able to figure out simple things without difficulty?
  9. Why do bad things happen to good people more often than vice versa?
  10. Why are some people always happy while others seem unable to feel joy no matter what happens around them?

Thought provoking questions to ask people

Here is a list of thought provoking questions to ask people:

  1. Does money buy happiness?
  2. If everyone lived forever, would it matter that we were born into wealth versus poverty; into beauty versus ugliness; into brains versus stupidity; etc.?
  3. Why is there war, poverty, discrimination and prejudice?
  4. Are there limits to human potential?
  5. Shouldn’t a reasonable person be tolerant of other views and lifestyles?
  6. Does everyone have a purpose in life, even if we aren’t aware of it?
  7. Is there such a thing as perfect happiness?
  8. Why can some things go right and still end up going wrong anyway?
  9. When exactly did it happen, that we stopped caring about each other as much as we used to care before?
  10. Does doing one thing well necessarily imply other things are done poorly?

Questions to ask people about yourself

  1. Am I a calm person?
  2. Am I responsible for other people’s happiness?
  3. Am I who I want to be right now as opposed to who I was a year ago as opposed to ten years ago as opposed to twenty years ago?
  4. Am I open-minded enough to listen to other people’s point of view even if it differs from mine?
  5. Am I honest with myself about my feelings, motives, goals, aspirations?
  6. Am I too hard on myself sometimes?
  7. Am I a selfish person?
  8. Am I happy where I’m at right now, both physically and mentally?
  9. Am I a pixie dream girl?
  10. Am I destined to fail?
  11. Am I happy with who I’ve become?

Questions to ask people you just met

  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. What is your favorite animal?
  3. If you could start over what would you change?
  4. Do you believe in aliens?
  5. Do you believe we are alone in universe?
  6. What is your favorite word and why?
  7. If there was a way for you to make one person laugh but you could never laugh again, would you do it? Why or why not?
  8. If aliens were real, what do you think they’d look like?
  9. Do things look better in color or black and white?
  10. What would be an interesting story told through scent instead of sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell?

Questions to ask drunk people

  1. Which sounds better: Socks or shoes? 2.. What if everyone who you thought was dead is actually alive?
  2. What if when you die, you don’t really die? When someone dies, it is just their body that dies? Their consciousness lives on in another dimension or another planet?
  3. Are you being watched right now at your house? How do you know? Is there a hidden camera in your room even as we speak???
  4. Are aliens real and living among us right now??? Are they secretly walking amongst us pretending to be people just like us with feelings and families?
  5. Do you ever feel like there is someone out there watching you? Why or why not?
  6. If Heaven exists, what would you like God to say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
  7. Can telekinesis move objects across space without touching them?
  8. How can you determine if someone is lying or not?
  9. What happens if you enter an infinite loop in a video game?
  10. Do cell phones cause cancer? 

Questions to ask new people

  1. Why does a man on a beach chasing a ball not reach it even though he is running towards it?
  2. Is everything possible or some things are impossible no matter what we do?
  3. What do you prefer, blue or red?
  4. What would you do if tomorrow is not there?
  5. If your home was on fire, what three things will you save?
  6. When did you last feel proud of yourself?
  7. If money was not an issue, where would you go for a holiday?
  8. What are some secrets that have never been told to anyone?
  9. How often are scared of doing things alone at night time?
  10. How many things do you want to do before you die?

Dirty questions to ask people

  1. If you could only touch random people in one place, where would it be?
  2. What do you wear to bed?
  3. What was the last thing you searched for on your phone?
  4. If you had to choose between going naked or having your thoughts appear in thought bubbles above your head for everyone to read, which would you choose?
  5. Have you ever walked in on your parents doing it?
  6. What’s one thing that’s happened to you that has made you a  pervert?
  7. Do you like kissing in public?
  8. What would you do if I kissed you right now?
  9. Would you rather be in a relationship with a girl or a boy?
  10. Have you ever been attracted to someone of the same sex?

Questions to ask to get to know people

  1. Are you happy with yourself right now?
  2. Who are some of your heroes in real life (living or dead)?
  3. Who was right, you or them?
  4. If money didn’t matter…would you still do what you’re doing now?
  5. Are your actions earning you more love than hate?
  6. Have you noticed that sometimes time slows down while other times it speeds up… Why does time behave differently throughout our lives…?
  7. Why can we never go back to our youth and start over again, but we can always look forward to tomorrow and wonder what might happen?
  8. What were you looking forward to before you were born?
  9. What would you do differently if you could start over again?
  10. Are there certain times in your life when you wish you could go back and change something, but also times where you are grateful for having made a decision despite not knowing its outcome at the time?

Cool questions to ask people

  1. What if every time you fell in love it’s because of a spell?
  2. If everyone agreed upon one thing but it turned out to be false, would that still make it true or false?
  3. Why do we perceive randomness as meaningful patterns and vice versa ? (Isn’t that extremely interesting?) And so on and so forth
  4. Why are there six advertisements before a movie starts?
  5. Are you alive because you breathe? Or do you breathe because you are alive?
  6. Why does putting cheese in front of a mouse make it go crazy, but not in front of a cat?
  7. Is it OK for me to take my neighbor’s TV remote, even if I know they are watching pornography when I do so?
  8. If someone sells his car for dollars, and buys computers with that money, what is the value of each computer in dollars per kilogramme?
  9. What if we go into that world, what will be our fate?
  10. Is our Universe simulated on a supercomputer?

Stupid questions to ask people

Here is a list of stupid questions to ask people

  1. If you had to give up either brushing your teeth or showering, which would you choose?
  2. How many pillows do you sleep with? Or is that a secret?
  3. How many puppies would it take to kill an elephant?
  4. What happens when a frog’s car breaks down?
  5. Who was your teenage celebrity crush?
  6. If you were a dog, what kind of dog would you be(and why)?
  7. Have you ever changed your clothes while driving on a motorway or highway? Or should I say, “What’s the speed limit where I live?”
  8. You’re given $10,000 dollars to spend in one day, but you have to spend it all on yourself. What would you get?
  9. If you could take one book, one food item and one thing to help you sleep with you to a deserted island, what would they be?
  10. If you could replace any body part with an animal part, which part would it be and what animal would it come from?

Questions to ask random people

  1. Do rich people deserve their wealth more than poor people deserve their poverty?
  2. Why don’t people understand me?
  3. Why are some people affected by things that happen in their lives while others seem unaffected by them?
  4. Why do bad things happen to good people?
  5. Why are there some people who work alone and others who prefer to work in groups?
  6. Would it matter if everyone was selfish with no regard for other people’s feelings and wellbeing ?
  7. In our society, who sets examples by which other people live their lives?
  8. Why do bad things happen to good people?
  9. Why are some people cruel while others are kind?
  10. What else can brown eyes do besides seeing better at night than blue eyes? Also read: Trick questions to ask your boyfriend to see if he loves you

Best questions to ask people

  1. What if you are already dead and in heaven or hell right now? Do you still exist? If so, can someone please let me know when I will be leaving?
  2. What would you like to do before you die?
  3. Why are you here on earth?
  4. If aliens arrived on earth, what would be your first question?
  5. What will happen after death? Do people meet again after death or stay separated forever?
  6. How much do we know about God(s)? Can God(s) be seen by human beings or are they invisible for all eternity?
  7. Which one religion is better than other religions, if any ? Who decides it ?
  8. What is zero divided by zero?
  9. What if we don’t die and we just go on living eternally?
  10. Why do we accept war and not peace? Also read: 100 Trippy questions to ask your high friend

Personal questions to ask people

  1. How much time should be spent cleaning vs. doing fun activities with friends & family vs working hard to build a better future for yourself & those around you (and everyone else on Earth!)?
  2. Are there certain places you shouldn’t go alone because bad things can happen there that won’t happen anywhere else (or because bad things happened there once already)?
  3. If you met yourself, would you like yourself more or less than who you are now?
  4. Is there any point in trying to protect your heart—isn’t it inevitable that you will end up getting hurt anyway?
  5. Do you know who’s running things behind the scenes, orchestrating each event in our lives like chess pieces moving across a board?
  6. Do you feel like many people are living their lives as if time were infinite—like death won’t happen until far off into some distant future—or do they truly realize that death could come at any moment now, right now as you read these words?
  7. What are things about yourself that bother other people but don’t bother you personally?
  8. Why was it joyous (or not)?
  9. Are you keeping score?
  10. Was there a time in your life where you lost faith?
  11. Why was that time so difficult for you?

Serious questions to ask people

  1. Is there someone out there who is made for you?
  2. If your partner cheated on you, would you forgive them?
  3. Does lust really turn into love sometimes after you get to know each other?
  4. Do you ever feel like nothing is real and that everything around you is an illusion of some sort?
  5. If you were in a burning building and there were only two ways out, would you rather have someone pull you to safety or would you rather jump on your own accord to save yourself from being burnt alive?
  6. Do you ever wonder if it’s even possible to know everything that’s going on around you or are there certain things that are beyond your comprehension? . Is it okay to lie if it means sparing someone else’s feelings?
  7. If you knew for certain that something bad was going to happen, would you warn others about it?
  8. When someone tells you not to waste your time on something but you don’t listen and continue pursuing your goal anyway, does it mean they secretly wanted you to prove them wrong all along?
  9. If you were going to commit a crime and get away with it without anyone ever finding out, would you do it?
  10. If you saw someone hurting an innocent person, would you step in and intervene on behalf of that innocent person even if it meant losing your own life?
  11. Why do people consider it to be an insult if you tell them that you’re better than they are at something, even though most people would agree that being better is a good thing?
  12. If you could travel back in time and prevent a tragedy from happening, would you do it?
  13. How much time do you spend each day thinking about these questions?
  14. How long will it take you to answer all of these questions? Also read: 50 Relationship questions to ask your boyfriend (Deep & serious topics)

Questions to ask a group of people

  1. If you were born today, would you still find yourself alive tomorrow?
  2. Which came first – chicken or egg?
  3. Why is it that we do not remember what happened before our birth?
  4. Do human beings age at all as time progresses or do they remain as adults for their entire lives?
  5. If you have a choice, what would you choose as your last meal?
  6. If there was no such thing as money, how would people be able to live?
  7. How is it possible that you can be standing next to someone without realizing they are dead?
  8. What do you feel after visiting a place like Auschwitz or Hiroshima where hundreds of thousands of people were killed during WWII? What goes through your mind while visiting these places and why do you feel that way?
  9. What if a new world is waiting for us?
  10. What if we get old and die? After death, what will happen to our family and friends?

Great questions to ask people

  1. Do you know when you were born?
  2. Do you know when you will die?
  3. Would you like to be immortal?
  4. What if your wish comes true? but not exactly as you wanted it? what would happen then? how will you handle it? would someone help you handle it if possible?
  5. What if aliens are controlling our minds through telepathy?
  6. What if I am God in my own dream?
  7. What if your best friend is actually an alien?
  8. If cats and dogs are not considered as pets, what are they? And, what are they doing on Earth?
  9. Why do I need to go to work today? Is there any value of going for work?
  10. Do we really know who we are and why we exist?
  11. How many people do you have in your family?
  12. What is the best thing that has happened to you this week?
  13. what is the toughest decision you ever had to make?
  14. What is your favorite thing about yourself – physical / non physical?
  15. Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours?
  16. What is something that everyone looks stupid doing?
  17. Have you ever been out of the country, if so where?
  18. What was the most boring class in high school?
  19. What do you think of tattoos? Do you have any, if so what and where are they?
  20. If your parents hated your partner you currently loved would you ditch them or ditch your parents?

Questions to ask people about themselves

Here is a list of interesting questions to ask people about themselves:

  1. Does a certain way of thinking feel comfortable to you or do you seek a feeling of discomfort because it pushes your limits and forces you out of your comfort zone just enough to grow as a person but not too much that things start getting hard again where stagnation sets in again as well as complacency?
  2. If someone has hurt you deeply in past, why not just let it go and move on with your life instead of hating them forever no matter what happens later in life after that incident occurred?
  3. When was a time in your life when you felt completely overwhelmed with a situation and had no idea where to turn?
  4. Which regrets will linger with you after you’re gone from this world, and which will fade away as fast as they came into existence?
  5. Are we fated to follow our genetics or can we overcome them through sheer force of will power – yours & mine – if we want something badly enough – hard enough – long enough – consistently enough – passionately enough – wisely enough – patiently enough – persistently enough… .. Why do we still have to die?
  6. Why can’t adults just shut up and play already?
  7. How much are you willing to compromise to meet others’ expectations of who you should be?
  8. Does being human sometimes scare you?
  9. Who are you comparing yourself with?
  10. Have you ever felt like a part of your life was missing something but didn’t know what it was or who could give it to you?
  11. Have you ever felt like there’s something bigger out there beyond our world, but were too afraid to search for it because you knew no one else believed in its existence either…but still secretly hoped that someday someone else might find out about it—and tell YOU about it! . 
  12. When was a time you took a huge risk to pursue a dream?

quick questions to ask people

  1. Do microwave ovens destroy your food value and make it toxic to your body?
  2. Should you eat raw foods instead of cooked foods because cooking destroys important nutrients from food, which you need for health and good looks?
  3. If you get killed by an arrow what would happen?
  4. Would you want to live in a world without war?
  5. What are your top fears?
  6. What if someone has an evil twin?
  7. Would you rather be smarter or stronger?
  8. Do you prefer sweet foods or salty foods? Why?
  9. Would you rather lose your arms or legs or something else entirely differently crazy, like your nose, lips etc.?
  10. What if I am not in my body?

Questions to ask smart people

  1. What if in a universe with different rules there is a world where only you exist?
  2. Will we ever be able to fight back against such an omnipotent creator of ours?
  3. If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
  4. What if time travel is possible, and you could go back in time, how would it be? Would you go?
  5. What will happen when we run out of water? How can we conserve our water supply better?
  6. Why don’t men get pregnant?
  7. What if you are living in an alien world?
  8. What if you can travel faster than light speed?
  9. How would you react, If one day morning newspaper headline reads Human gone! ?
  10. Would you know what caused human disappearance? And more importantly, how will it affect our civilisation? 11.How much do we use each day on a personal basis and a business basis? Can business be tweaked so that it conserves more water while being environmentally sustainable and cost-effective for companies while protecting their brand image at the same time?

Normal questions to ask people

  1. What is consciousness ?
  2. Who is God?
  3. Who is evil?
  4. Do I have a soul that lives on after death or just an energy that ceases to exist when my body dies?
  5. What if we are just character in a giant multi-player online game?
  6. What happens when we die?
  7. If you could go back in time and kill Hitler, would you do it?
  8. Does killing solve problems or create more problems?
  9. Will we ever be able to predict natural disasters like earthquakes and floods better than we do now ?
  10. Do you believe in past lives? Why or why not ?
  11. How can we determine whether any action is morally right or wrong, without using any religion as a foundation of reasoning (like deontology and Kant’s categorical imperative)?

Questions to ask people to get to know them better

  1. Do you believe there are any truly good wars (for example, WW vs Nazi Germany)?
  2. Do you have a busy life or a full life?
  3. Are you ever going to have an answer to these questions or are you just wasting your time reading through them right now?
  4. Are there any other questions I should have included on these lists of thought-provoking questions that will make you question life?
  5. If you could go back in time and witness any historical event, what would it be?
  6. Do you ever catch yourself just wondering about things without actually doing anything to satisfy your curiosity, or do you always act on all of your curiosities?
  7. When you think about all of your dreams coming true in life—whatever those dreams may be—wouldn’t that make you happy no matter what they are?
  8. Do you ever feel like life is happening to you, instead of it happening for you?
  9. Do you even know why I’m writing these questions in list form anyway?
  10. What’s your favorite funny joke that will make people laugh or smile?

Good questions to ask people to get to know them

  1. Who was your biggest role model growing up, and why were they such an influence on you?
  2. Where did you grow up, and can you remember details about some of your favorite memories while growing up there—especially memories involving family members who may not be part of your life anymore?
  3. Are there any guarantees in life or is everything truly based upon faith and believing that things will always turn out for us like we’ve planned them out beforehand to happen?
  4. Do we ever really know someone as well as we think we do, or are there always going to be surprises and things that we’ve missed along our journey through life that come up later on down our paths when least expected?
  5. Why is there so much suffering in our world today?
  6. What happens to us when we die?
  7. Is it better to love and lose than never to have loved at all, or is it better never to love at all and remain safe and protected from ever getting hurt again in life?
  8. What happens to us after we die, and do our souls just cease to exist or are they somehow still with us even though our bodies have died?
  9. What’s more essential to humanity: emotion or reason?
  10. Is there a reason why we cry when we’re happy?

Questions to ask people about me

  1. What is the first thing you notice about me?
  2. What do you like most about me?
  3. What do you like least about me?
  4. Have I ever let you down? How?
  5. If you could change one thing about me, what would it be?
  6. Would you say we are close friends or acquaintances?
  7. Am I a good listener? How could I become a better listener?
  8. Do you think of me as being trustworthy? Why or why not?
  9. Do you consider yourself a better friend to me than I am to you, even though we are friends? Why or why not?
  10. Do you think I have changed in the past year for the better or for the worse, and how so
  11. What is the most important thing I have taught you?
  12. What do you like about me?
  13. What do you dislike about me?
  14. When have I helped you?
  15. When have I hurt you?
  16. How am I different from other people in authority in your life?
  17. What are my strengths?
  18. What are my weaknesses?
  19. How can I help you learn better?
  20. Is there anything else you want to tell me about yourself or our relationship?

Questions to ask people for fun

  1. What is the craziest thing you have ever done in your life?
  2. Have you ever been caught while doing something naughty?
  3. What is the naughtiest dream you have ever had?
  4. Have you ever had a crush on your neighbor?
  5. If you were invisible what would be the first thing you would like to do?
  6. What is that one thing that you always wanted to try, but never got the chance to do so?
  7. What attracts you towards a person for the first time?
  8. Describe a situation, when someone’s personal appearance made you laugh uncontrollably?
  9. Tell me an embarrassing moment of yours and how did it happen?
  10. How many guys or girls have proposed you till now?

Crazy questions to ask people

  1. What if you’re a brain in a vat?
  2. Would you break a promise if it promised eternal happiness?
  3. Do you trust others around you or only yourself?
  4. What would you ask God if he appeared in front of you?
  5. What word should be deleted from your vocabulary?
  6. What if there are infinite number of identical worlds?
  7. What is time ?
  8. What is happening when I am in deep sleep?
  9. Do dogs really experience colors?
  10. What if you could only make three phone calls, who would you call and what would you say? And why are they in your top three?

Simple questions to ask people

  1. What if there are countless numbers of other universes out there, and everyone from those universes is now thinking what you’re thinking at every moment?
  2. What would you do if you won a billion dollars?
  3. If you could read people’s mind, would it be a good thing or bad? What if you couldn’t turn it off and everyone knew your most intimate thoughts? How does that make you feel? (If somebody asks for your wallet and then asks why?, don’t give them money.)
  4. Imagine no possessions; I wonder how different our lives would be? (if someone asks for your time, give them all of it)
  5. If dogs could talk, what would they say?
  6. Why does a tennis ball smell like that?
  7. If an alien landed on earth and you were responsible for showing it around what animal would you show it first?
  8. How often do you really take notice of your hands?
  9. Do phones actually work in space?
  10. What song will they play at your funeral?

Funny questions to ask drunk people

  1. What if there is more than one universe?
  2. If you were given hour to live, how would you spend that last hour?
  3. What if our eyesight is wrong?
  4. What is in my mouth when I’m eating apples?
  5. Why do people in dreams not talk?
  6. What happens when we die in our dreams?
  7. Can blind people dream?
  8. Do aliens exist in real or are they imaginary creatures of our imaginations?
  9. Is there an end to space and time, are they finite or infinite in size, are there boundaries at which you cannot go beyond them?
  10. What if time is an illusion?

Questions to ask other people

  1. What does it feel like to fall asleep and never wake up again?
  2. Could we be living in a virtual reality or is that just crazy talk? Would it even matter if we were living in a simulated world rather than a real one? Why or why not?
  3. What if aliens are real? And live among us?
  4. Why do you always want what you can’t have?
  5. What if universe is not infinite?
  6. What happens after death?
  7. Why are you afraid of dying?
  8. What if our memories are not our own?
  9. What if time isn’t what we think it is?
  10. What if we were born without language?

Basic questions to ask people

  1. What would happen if suddenly gravity stopped working today?
  2. If everything suddenly disappeared what is left of us?
  3. Can you wake up from a dream by simply opening your eyes during sleep?
  4. How long can you survive without food and water?
  5. Are we living in a simulation?
  6. Why do cats always land on their feet?
  7. Are dreams real?
  8. Are you addicted to technology?
  9. Are there aliens on earth yet?
  10. Does your ring finger longer than index finger means you will be rich?
  11. Do you still remember your first love? What happened with him/her ? Did you marry her/him ? Why not? Also read: 75 Trick love questions to ask your boyfriend or girlfriend

Questions to ask people about myself

  1. What do you think of me?
  2. What was your first impression of me?
  3. Do you think I am friendly? Why?
  4. Do you think I’m smart? Why?
  5. Do you like my personality? Why or why not?
  6. How do you think other people see me?
  7. What kind of things should I work on about myself?
  8. What are some things that I could improve about myself as a person/friend/student/etc.?
  9. Would you consider me to be a good person? Why or why not?
  10. Would you want to be friends with me if we didn’t already know each other and we met for the first time today?
  11. What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of me?
  12. How would you describe my personality?
  13. What are some things I do that make you smile?
  14. What are my favorite things to do?
  15. If you could choose anyone, who would you want as a friend besides me?
  16. If we had a free day together, what would we do?
  17. What would be your dream vacation if I was with you?
  18. How do you think I see the world differently than other people?
  19. What are three qualities that attract you to me as a friend?
  20. In what ways do you think our friendship has grown during the time we have known each other?

Questions to ask people to see if they know you

  1. Do you remember the first time we met? Who introduced us? What were you wearing?
  2. How many times have we seen each other since then?
  3. When is your birthday? How old are you now?
  4. Where do you work and what is your role there?
  5. If I asked you to describe me to someone who has never met me, how would you describe me? What would you say about my appearance, personality and interests?
  6. Do you know what my job is? What is my role there?
  7. Do you know my favourite TV show, book, movie or song? Can you name them all (if not, can you name any of them)?
  8. Have we ever travelled together or gone on vacation together in the past year or two?)
  9. Do you know what my favourite food is/are? What about favourite restaurants/bars/cafes/takeaway options in the area where we live(d)?
  10. What was the last conversation we had about?

Questions to ask other people about yourself

  1. What Are 2 Things That I Am Really Good At?
  2. What Are My Thoughts On Open Relationships And Polygamy?
  3. What Do You Think I Should Do To Improve My Life?
  4. What Would Be The Top 5 Reasons You Would Want To Be Friends With Me?
  5. Is There Anything About Me That Bothers You?
  6. If You Had The Choice To Switch Lives With Me, Would You?
  7. Could You See Yourself Dating Me If We Were Both Single?
  8. How Long Do You Think We Will Be Friends For?
  9. What Do You Think I Should Do To Improve My Life?
  10. Why Am I Still Single?
  11. How Do I Feel About Children?
  12. Would I Be Interested In Having Children One Day?
  13. What Is My Favorite Physical Feature Of My Body? Also read: 500+ Questions that make you think

Questions to ask people about you

  1. What Is One Of My Biggest Regrets In Life?
  2. Where Do I Want To Be In 5 Years?
  3. How does my personality differ when I’m around family in comparison to when I’m around friends?
  4. If you could describe me as a person in a couple of words, what would you say?
  5. What are my views on people who are dishonest and why do they behave this way?
  6. What is something that I want to do but am scared of doing it?
  7. What do you think is the most important thing I need to accomplish today? Why is this so important?
  8. How do you think my friends view me as a person?
  9. Are there any issues or problems we have between us that have been left unresolved for too long?
  10. Can you give me an example of how I have shown you that I love you in the past few days, weeks or months?
  11. What Is The Biggest Problem Facing Our Society Today?
  12. What Do You Think Happens After We Die?
  13. How Can I Improve As A Friend, Partner, Or Colleague?
  14. What Is Your Favorite Memory Of Me?
  15. How Do I Make You Feel When You Are Around Me?
  16. How Can I Get Better At Something That I Struggle With (Like Depression)?

Easy questions to ask people

  1. Have you ever wondered why women wear makeup?
  2. How much do volcanoes cost on average every year? 3.What would you do if you had months left to live?
  3. What will happen if touch someone who is dead?
  4. Why do people feel bad when they are alone in a dark room at night?
  5. What makes good things go away?
  6. If your dad could jump off a bridge, would you also jump off that bridge with him?
  7. If every person on earth demanded their own million-dollar bill, how much money would it take to print all of them up?
  8. If money doesn’t exist, what will you use for currency?
  9. Why are manhole covers round? Is there a special reason they are round instead of oval or some other shape?

Unique questions to ask people

  1. What dreams never came true in your lifetime…and why haven’t they come true yet?
  2. Is there any meaning in life other than just living until you die?
  3. What are three things you’d like to have right now, but can’t have?
  4. When was a time in your life when you knew without a doubt that everything was going to turn out okay?
  5. Would anyone miss you if you were gone forever?
  6. Would someone you know give up their material possessions without hesitation if asked to help someone less fortunate than themselves?
  7. How patient are you?
  8. Can you appreciate where you are now while still longing for something better?
  9. Where is God when bad things happen to good people (like children who die young)?
  10. Is there anyone else who knows exactly what you’re thinking right now?

Tricky questions to ask people

  1. If you could be a woman for just one day, which celebrity would you want to be? How would you spend the day?
  2. If you were to win a million dollars tomorrow, what are the first three things you would do with your money?
  3. If your house was on fire and you could only save one thing, what would it be? Why did you choose that one thing over everything else in the house?
  4. If you knew that this time next year you would die suddenly, what would you change about the way you live your life today? What important things would you do differently?
  5. If all jobs had the same pay and hours, what job would you like to have?
  6. What is something that always makes people feel better when they are sad or upset?
  7. What is something that most people think is true, but isn’t?
  8. Describe a time when someone said something really hurtful to you. Why did it hurt your feelings so much? Did it change how you thought about them or yourself in any way? Did you ever get a chance to talk about it with them again later on down the road?

Silly questions to ask people

  1. If an airplane disappears, is it possible that it reappears at a different location?
  2. What if you are only dreaming you are reading these words right now?
  3. Does thinking make you exist?
  4. Is it possible for something to be both A and not-A at the same time?
  5. If one day all of your dreams came true, what would that day be like?
  6. Are your nightmares also someone else’s dreams?
  7. What if we are just a character of someone’s imagination?
  8. What if everyone on earth had their consciousnesses merged into one?
  9. What would happen if you could see sound and hear colour?
  10. What would happen if you could drink water and eat air for days?

Funniest questions to ask people

  1. Would you rather be skinny chicken or a fat pig?
  2. How is it that we put man on the moon before we figured out it would be a good idea to put wheels on luggage?
  3. Why is it that people say they “slept like a baby” when babies wake up like every two hours?
  4. If a deaf person has to go to court, is it still called a hearing?
  5. Why are you IN a movie, but you’re ON TV?
  6. Why do people pay to go up tall buildings and then put money in binoculars to look at things on the ground?
  7. Why do doctors leave the room while you change? They’re going to see you naked anyway.
  8. Why is “bra” singular and “panties” plural?
  9. What disease did cured ham actually have?
  10. How is it that we put man on the moon before we figured out it would be a good idea to put wheels on luggage?

Questions to ask depressed people

  1. How do you feel when you look in the mirror?
  2. Where do thoughts come from?
  3. If someone was watching all your activities as closely as you watch ants in a sandbox, would you behave differently? How would it affect your behavior? Your choices? Your perception of right and wrong, good and bad?
  4. If we can alter our consciousness at will, what then is reality?
  5. Is it possible that if we alter our perception of reality enough times we would begin to question whether there was ever anything else but our new world?
  6. What words describe your personality?
  7. What are your daily morning rituals?
  8. When you hear laughter do you always smile, why or why not?
  9. Is there anything that makes you feel instantly better when its really tough?
  10. Which book are you reading now?
  11. If money was no object, where would you go on vacation?
  12. Where would you want your ashes scattered when you die?
  13. What is your favorite music instrument? Why?
  14. Would you like your kids to do all that you do now as a child? Or, will they prefer something else as their profession or hobby? If yes, then why or why not?
  15. What happens when we die? Do we simply disappear? Is there something else after death, like an afterlife?

Smart questions to ask people

  1. What if everything we know is wrong?
  2. What if you are dreaming right now and don’t know it?
  3. What if aliens have already visited earth?
  4. How many people are in space right now?
  5. Why do we have left hand when most humans are right handed?
  6. Why moon always facing earth?
  7. Is it possible that time travelers are among us?
  8. Could all religions be false?
  9. What if magic is real?
  10. Do numbers exist? How can we be sure that += is true, not +=, or ? In what language do numbers exist? In what dimension do they live? In which space-time coordinates are they located at their origin and where are they going from here? Who can show us at least one number because we don’t see them directly as light, sound etc.?

Fun questions to ask new people

1.Would you ever go skinny dipping? 2.What was the worst thing your last boyfriend/girlfriend did that made you dump them? 3.Have you ever been in a car when a cop pulled you over? 4.Do you think that school uniforms are necessary or not? 5.Who would you rather be stuck in an elevator with, a hot guy or a good friend? 6.What is the worst pickup line anyone has used on you? 7.Have you ever had to use a fire extinguisher for its intended purpose? If yes, tell us about it! 8.If you could change your name, what would it be and why? 9.What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you at school/work/in public place? 10.Would you rather end up being single forever or settle for someone you don’t really like just so that you won’t be alone?

Questions to ask people you don’t know

  1. Why should being honest with yourself feel bad?
  2. When was someone last kind to you without expecting something in return?
  3. Is there room for growth within yourself, within your relationships with others?
  4. Does leadership always require authority over others, or can you lead without authority by inspiring others with passion and enthusiasm for a shared goal?
  5. Did that certain person find their way into your path for a reason as well, or was he/she put there randomly by chance alone without any ulterior motive involved whatsoever?
  6. Who are you inside your dreams—and why are you not who you are during waking hours?
  7. If someone you love were hurt because of something you did or didn’t do, could you forgive yourself ?
  8. Why are some things hard to forget while others are easy to forget…and why is it hard to let go of something painful that happened in your past but easy to let go of positive experiences with others who are no longer around anymore?
  9. Does what you see define who you are or does who you are define what you see?
  10. Is success defined by making more money than everyone else around you…or just making enough money to live comfortably without worrying about some disaster—for example losing your job—ruining your life completely (see question )?

Common questions to ask people

  1. Have you ever dreamed about someone other than yourself?
  2. What is after death? Is there anything after death?
  3. Have you ever had a supernatural experience or premonition of an event before it occurred? If so, what was it like?
  4. What if I am actually a butterfly dreaming that I’m a human?
  5. What is love? And why does it hurt so much when you lose it?
  6. What would happen if all humans will be gone? Will there be another species to take our place? Or Earth will remain forever??
  7. Are our days numbered or is death just a means of resetting our counter down from infinity?
  8. Why does time fly when you’re having fun and drag when you’re bored out of your mind ?
  9. Can time travel ever happen?
  10. Is there any intelligence in our Universe? If yes, from where?

Important questions to ask people

  1. What if you see a dinosaur walking down the street tomorrow morning? How will it appear then? In my view, what would you do then?
  2. What happens after we die and leave our body behind?? And how much of us continues its existence after death??
  3. Are there aliens existing in Universe? If yes, where they live and what are they up to?? Why haven’t we seen them or heard from them so far?? If no, Why so ??
  4. What would you do if you were invisible?
  5. What is your favorite song at present? Why is it so?
  6. Have you ever stared at someone and gotten so nervous that you didn’t know what to say, but just said something stupid anyway, or did nothing at all because of your fear of rejection or awkwardness?
  7. Which one of your actions didn’t make sense to you at that time but actually made sense later?
  8. What would you do if your day starts at night?
  9. Can a programmer change to ? Why?
  10. What if nothing was impossible?

Questions to ask people in a relationship

  1. What’s the best way to get over a break up?
  2. What is the most awkward thing that happened to you in a public place?
  3. If you could trade lives with one person for an entire day who would it be and why?
  4. Who do you hate and why?
  5. What is something that happened or something that someone said that changed your perspective on life?
  6. Which celebrity do you think has had a lot of cosmetic surgery?
  7. What is the worst job you’ve ever had?
  8. What is the most stupidest thing you have ever done, just to look cool?
  9. Has anyone ever unintentionally hurt your feelings badly? How did you react?
  10. Have you ever been with someone, then found out later that he/she was cheating on you with your best friend?
  11. If a classmate were to ask you what I am like, how would you describe me?
  12. Have you ever been in a similar relationship before?
  13. What are the qualities you are looking for in your ideal partner?
  14. What is the one thing you can’t resist in another person?
  15. Do you have a belief system that helps you make important decisions?
  16. What can I do to make this long-distance relationship work?
  17. Are there any things about your relationship with your parents that help explain how you act in other relationships?
  18. If your life were a movie, what would be the title of it and why?
  19. What is the most difficult thing to do when it comes to maintaining friendships?
  20. If you had three wishes, what would they be?

Nice questions to ask people

  1. Do you believe that time travel is possible? Why or why not?
  2. What makes you happy? Is it money, love, friendship etc.?
  3. What if your best friend is actually your clone?
  4. What if you are not hearing anything but actually listening to another dimension?
  5. What if everything is happening for a reason, even accidents?
  6. What if reality is an illusion created by extra-terrestrial beings?
  7. What If everybody around you dies because of something that you have done, but you do not remember it?
  8. What if gravity was just an effect caused by fast moving parallel universes running into each other in front of us at every moment of our lives, much like how light bends as it goes through glass?
  9. What if all animals are just advanced robots?
  10. What if our planet is just a simulation in some alien’s computer?

Questions to ask single people

  1. What is your favorite thing about the opposite sex?
  2. Have you ever been attracted to someone of the same sex?
  3. Do you think love at first sight is possible?
  4. What age do you want to get married?
  5. What are your thoughts on online dating or tinder?
  6. What’s one thing you want me to know about you that’s not on your resume?
  7. Have you ever been in a friends with benefits situation? How did it end?
  8. Would you ever consider moving in together, and if you do, how comfortable would you be with privacy?
  9. Can you Describe your ideal life partner?
  10. How do you feel about sharing your password with your partner?

Questions to ask people about life

  1. When love overcomes hate, is it stronger than hate was before love entered the equation?
  2. Why do we choose to dwell on negative things rather than positive ones?
  3. Are we all selfish creatures by nature?
  4. Are we supposed to enjoy our work?
  5. Are we living up to our potential as human beings, as creative individuals, as friends and lovers, as family members and citizens of our communities and nations?
  6. Can I admit that sometimes things just happen and there’s not much we can do about them? . 
  7. Is there such a thing as fate?
  8. Does fate exist, or does free will play a role in our lives?
  9. Are we born with morals and values already embedded into us, or do we develop them over time based on experiences we have throughout our lives?
  10. Is there such a thing as destiny? Hilarious questions to ask people
  11. What’s the last thing you did for the first time?
  12. Do you sleep with your eyes open or closed?
  13. What’s the most annoying thing your mum or dad does?
  14. What would you do if someone pulled down their pants and started singing opera in front of you?
  15. If you could be a vegetable, which one would you be?
  16. If you had to wear one outfit from head to toe every day for a year, what would it be?
  17. If you had to give up one of your five senses, which would you give up?
  18. What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten?
  19. What is your favorite animal sound?
  20. If an egg is broken by an outside force, life ends. If broken by inside force, life begins. Great things always begin from the inside. What does that mean to you?
  21. If you could take a vacation anywhere in the world, where would it be?
  22. What is the strangest dream you’ve ever had?
  23. If you could become an expert at any skill instantly just by snapping your fingers what skill would you choose?
  24. Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or fly in the sky?

Creative questions to ask people

  1. Is it better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all?
  2. Have I been standing still as life’s been passing me by?
  3. Are we here as a result of intelligent design or blind chance?
  4. Are there any absolutes—do right and wrong exist outside opinion?
  5. Should a person look inside herself first before she goes looking elsewhere for answers about who she is, where she came from, why she’s here…and where she might be going next?
  6. Would things be better if we didn’t judge one another as much as we do?
  7. Why does putting some things off until tomorrow always seem like a better idea than doing them today?
  8. Is there more to life than what we can see and touch with our physical senses alone?
  9. Why should I treat a stranger any differently than I treat a friend?
  10. Who knows me best: those who know me well or those who have only just met me?

Questions to ask your people

  1. What is one profession that everyone should have a shot at doing before they die (other than yours)?
  2. If you could pick one moment from your entire life to relive, what would it be and why?
  3. If you had a chance to live another person’s life for hours, who would it be and why?
  4. What is one invention that you think everyone should have?
  5. What do you think is mankind’s greatest achievement that we will leave behind for our descendants millions of years into the future if we ever completely vanish as a species?
  6. If not death, then what do you think will happen to us when we die and become nothing but decomposing biomass (assuming there is an afterlife)?
  7. If you could be an animal for one day, what would it be and why?
  8. What is your biggest regret in life?
  9. If you could have any superhuman power for a day, what would it be and why?
  10. Do you consider yourself to be alone often or do most people gravitate towards your presence often?
  11. If there was no way to measure time how would our lives change if at all?

Trivia questions to ask people

A good trivia question can stump players and get them thinking. The best trivia questions elicit a groan of disappointment from those who know the answer because the level of difficulty is just right. Trivia questions are great for increasing player interaction and participation in your game. They can be used as icebreakers, to start a party, or as a time filler during an otherwise dull event. Here are some interesting trivia questions to ask people:

  1. How many children does Michelle Obama have?
  2. What is the most common last name in the world?
  3. How many years did the Hundred Years’ War last?
  4. Which country has won the most FIFA World Cup titles?
  5. What is a group of unicorns called?
  6. What was the best-selling single of all time?
  7. Which president was in office during WWII?
  8. What does BMW stand for?
  9. What is the only American state that begins with the letter “p”?
  10. Which country is home to the kangaroo?
  11. What was the first planet that humans walked on? (Moon)
  12. Which was the first planet to be explored by a spacecraft? (Mars)
  13. What is the strongest muscle in the human body? (Tongue)
  14. Which is the only mammal that can fly? (Bat)
  15. Which part of the body is most sensitive to heat? (Eye)
  16. In which country did chocolate originate? (Mexico)

Questions to ask groups of people

  1. If I asked five different people what they thought about that last question on these lists of thought-provoking questions that will make you question life, would they all respond in pretty much the same way or would their responses be different from one another’s?
  2. How long have you even been reading these questions, and what took you so long to finally get here in the first place?
  3. What’s your answer to these questions on these lists of thought-provoking questions that will make you question life?
  4. Do I even have an answer for you?
  5. If you could have any superpower at all, what would it be?
  6. What if everything you thought you knew about life was wrong?
  7. If you could live your life over again, would you do everything you’ve done so far in your life or would you change anything?
  8. How many times does it take for one person to say I love you to another before they actually start believing that what they’re saying is true or not really sure how they feel anymore about their own emotions towards another person after saying those words so many times before?
  9. What’s your favorite hilarious story to tell other people that will make them laugh for hours afterwards?
  10. Can you really trust anyone in today’s world anymore?

Really good questions to ask people

  1. Can you really predict your future?
  2. If God exists, why he gave us brains more powerful than him?
  3. Why people don’t fall when they are in motion?
  4. Why black color makes people look serious while white color makes them look happy and funny?
  5. Would you like to live in a world without natural death?
  6. What if there is no such thing as time?
  7. What is impossible according to science?
  8. Why do we exist? And why do we die?
  9. What if we just imagined everything?
  10. What if we are just living in a matrix?
  11. What if nothing is what it seems?

Questions to ask people to make them think

  1. Does someone really fall in love at first sight? Or do you need more time for that? Give me an example of such a love story and how it all ended.
  2. What if water boils faster in a higher altitude?
  3. What if there is a Batman in my cupboard?
  4. Why do dogs and cats bury their excretions?
  5. How can you tell when a clock is lying?
  6. How would you find an elephant in a haystack?
  7. If it takes men hours to build a wall, how long does it take men to build it?
  8. Did you ever wonder why when you blow in a dog’s face he gets mad at you, but when you take him on a car ride he sticks his head out of the window?
  9. How much time do you spend in your office?
  10. What if when you die, nothing happens?

Fun questions to ask a group of people

  1. Would you rather go into the past and meet your ancestors or go into the future and meet your great-great grandchildren?
  2. If you had three wishes, what would they be? (no wishing for more wishes!)
  3. If you could become an expert in one subject overnight, what would it be?
  4. If you were trapped in a room with a tiger, a rattlesnake and a man who is about to punch you in the face, which animal would you try to tackle first?
  5. What do most people think is true about you that isn’t actually true? What makes them think this way?
  6. What is the most annoying question that people ask you?
  7. What weird food combinations do you really enjoy?
  8. Who would win in a fight between Spiderman and Batman?
  9. Are eyebrows considered facial hair?
  10. If I gave you $1000, what is the first thing that you would buy for yourself?
  11. If life was a video game, what would be some cheat codes for it?
  12. If you could press a button right now that would give you $1 million, but it would also kill someone that you don’t know, would you press it?
  13. If there was an award given out for the ‘most likely to’, what award would you receive?
  14. How many chickens would it take to kill an elephant?
  15. What does a baby and a tornado have in common?

Life questions to ask people

  1. How many of these questions on these lists of thought-provoking questions that will make you question life have you actually sat down and answered for yourself yet?
  2. How do you know if someone really likes you for who you are or if they’re just putting up with you because of how popular or cute they think you are?
  3. How many times does it take for one person to say I love you to another before they really mean it, or are they just saying those three little words to another person without even realizing what all those words actually mean in real life?
  4. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be and why?
  5. How many times does it take for one person to say I love you before they actually start believing in their own words themselves, or are they just telling someone else what they want them to hear so that they can get something from another person without even caring who’s feelings they’re really hurting along their way?
  6. If you could live your life over again, would you change anything about how things have happened up to this point in your life or would you leave everything as it has already happened?
  7. Why do people feel like they have to lie to cover up who they really are or what they’re doing in their lives, when what’s really wrong with being true to yourself and living your life out in front of everyone instead?
  8. How do you know if someone actually cares about you for who you are or if they’re just using you for something else along their way?
  9. What do you think about these questions on these lists of thought-provoking questions that will make you question life?
  10. What kind of person should one love: a faithful person who’s boring but reliable; a passionate person who’s flaky but inspiring; an honest person who lies too much; a caring person who’d rather focus on themselves; someone selfish with whom you don’t have to compromise…or someone somewhere in between those extremes?

Weird funny questions to ask people

  1. If you could have any super power, what would it be?
  2. If you woke up tomorrow with million dollars cash in your pocket what would you do differently?
  3. Where did your grandparents meet each other for the first time?
  4. Can you name all US states in alphabetical order? Without looking at a map or cheating? 5.  Why is grass green?
  5. What color is rain?
  6. What if your parents are robots?
  7. If a drop of sea water were bigger than earth, what would happen?
  8. Which is faster – a speeding bullet or a beam of light?
  9. Is infinity really infinite?
  10. What is blacker than black? And does it matter, if you can’t see it?

Good questions to ask people you just met

  1. Why is there night and day? Is it because of Earth’s rotation around its axis? Why can’t we have more than hours in a day or more than one night & day every hours? Can’t Earth be stationary on its axis for days, nights, seasons etc.?
  2. Why doesn’t anyone remember being born?
  3. If you fall asleep, don’t you believe that you will wake up?
  4. Can you prove anything not true without relying on logic or reason?
  5. What would it take for me to believe in God?
  6. Why is it night when its dark and why is it light when its day?
  7. What if anything can happen or nothing can happen?
  8. Why do we close our eyes when we sleep and why do we open them in morning?
  9. If you could ask God one question, what would it be?
  10. How many people actually died in war ever?
  11. Are we living in a simulation? and if so, what is our purpose?
  12. Are we just data for an artificial intelligence algorithm to learn from and evaluate its own logic based on?

Psychology questions to ask people

  1. What causes mental health disorders?
  2. What is knowledge?
  3. How should we conduct ourselves?
  4. How should we govern ourselves?
  5. How can we become more effective?
  6. What is the nature of thought and consciousness?
  7. What is the meaning of life?
  8. How can we prevent mass violence, war, and genocide?
  9. What makes us happy?
  10. Why do people behave the way they do?
  11. What makes us moral and ethical beings?
  12. Are you good at deciphering facial expressions or emotions?
  13. Can you tell when someone is lying?

Philosophy questions to ask people

Philosophical questions are questions that don’t have definite answers. They might not even have wrong answers. Philosophical questions are both interesting and important, because they allow you to use your own mind to think about ideas, rather than just learning what other people think There are many ways you can use philosophical questions. Here, I’ll focus on how you can use philosophical questions to get a better understanding of what is true, what is right and what is meaningful.  Here is a list of philosophy questions to ask people:

  1. What are some good philosophy questions to ask people?
  2. What is the difference between right and wrong?
  3. What is goodness?
  4. What is the nature of human beings?
  5. What is knowledge? What do we know, and how can we know it?
  6. Is there a God or not? If so, what kind of God exists? If not, why not?
  7. How should we live our lives? What makes a good life, or a happy life, or a meaningful life? What are virtues, and which ones should we value most highly?
  8. Is there such a thing as free will, or are all our actions determined by factors beyond our control (or even beyond our knowledge)? What does free will have to do with moral responsibility? How much does it matter whether free will exists for morality to be possible?
  9. What is philosophy?
  10. What are the two questions that philosophy asks?
  11. What is the goal of philosophy?
  12. Can you name a few of the most famous philosophers in history?
  13. What is the most important question we can ask? Why?
  14. Why do we need to know about epistemology, metaphysics, and ethics?
  15. Why does philosophy exist? Why do philosophers persist in trying to answer seemingly unanswerable questions when there are so many easier ways to make a living?
  16. How do you separate philosophical questions from other kinds of questions, such as scientific ones or everyday practical ones?
  17. Who is God and why does he exist?
  18. Is there life after death?
  19. Do you believe in fate or free will?
  20. Do you believe in karma? Also read: 150+ deep philosophical questions We don’t spam! Read our privacy policy for info.

Naveen’s expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with Naveen’s work, connect with him by following his social media accounts. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.